P.O. Box 313,
Freelance workshop leader at the Zen Mountain Monastery, NY, at Rowe Conference Center, MA, and at numerous other venues, with a focus on poetry and nature writing, creativity and slowing down. 2000 – ongoing.
Adjunct faculty: Williams College, Center for Environmental Studies, Winter Studies Program. 1998-ongoing. Helps students develop “a mind of winter” through disciplined exercises in writing and drawing.
Writer-in-the-schools: Teachers & Writers Collaborative, City Lore and ALPS (Alternative Literary Programs), and The Scottish Poetry Library: 1988-ongoing. Conducts workshops in schools and senior centers, documenting their outcome through anthologies, public readings and radio programs.
Interviewer: Sparks From the Anvil: 2009-2013. Conducted in-depth interviews with visiting poets for the Smith College Poetry Reading Series.
Lecturer: Lesley University, Creative Arts in Learning Program. 1996-2009. Taught teachers to use poetry in the classroom.
Eugene Lang College and Parsons School of Art and Design. 1992-94. Designed courses in memoir, nature poetry and creative writing.
Writer: Roots & Branches Intergenerational Theater. 1991-94. Worked with seniors (65-88) and New York University acting students (19-23) to script and produce a series of full-length plays.
Advisor: Brooklyn Public Library Literacy Program. 1986-88. Taught weekly writing groups, tested and evaluated literacy students.
Creative Writing Teacher: Fulham and South Kensington Adult Education Institute, and University of London, Goldsmith’s College. 1984-86. Initiated new programs and weekend workshops. Organized readings and published the magazine, Off the Cuff.
Counselor: Casa La Vida, Oakland, California. 1981-82. Taught weekly writing groups and published the magazine, Undiagnosed.
Articles in Lion’s Roar, Granta, The Mindfulness Bell, The American Voice, Orion Afield; and in numerous anthologies, including Out of the Class Closet: Lesbians Speak; My Mother’s Daughter: Stories by Women; The Granta Book of the Family; and in Old Faithful: 18 Writers Present Their Favorite Writing Assignment. Reviews in The Nation, The Village Voice, and the Shambhala Sun.
Poems in Poiesis; Sinister Wisdom; Poems for Peace; Love Poems By Women: An anthology of poetry from around the world and through the ages; Virago New Poets and My Lover is a Woman: Contemporary Lesbian Love Poems, and in numerous other journals.
Editor: Naming the Waves: Contemporary Lesbian Poetry, and, with Sue O’Sullivan, Out the Other Side: Contemporary Lesbian Writing (1989). Also edited Jo’s Girls: Tomboy Tales of High Adventure (1997), and, with Mark Statman, The Alphabet of the Trees: A Guide to Nature Writing (2000).
Own books: In the Wake of Home (2004). World Enough & Time: On Creativity and Slowing Down (2011). Audio ed: 2014. The Tortoise Diaries: On Creativity and Slowing Down (2014). Sparks from the Anvil: The Smith College Poetry Interviews (2015). Legal Tender: Women & the Secret Life of Money (2019), In Praise of Listening: A Gathering of Stories (2023).
Video documentary Tomboys! Feisty Girls & Spirited Women (2004) co-produced with Julie Akeret.
B.A., English and Social Anthropology, Kings College, Cambridge, England, 1979. M.A., English, University of California at Berkeley, 1982.
Fulbright Scholarship, 1979; the Lambda Literary Award, 1989 & 1997; The Fund for Poetry, 1991; The Quadrangle Award for Poetry, Springfield, MA (first prize), 2002; Fresno Reel Pride: Directors Club Award Best Short, 2005; Massachusetts Cultural Council: Artist Fellowship in Playwriting, 2011. Bechtel Prize, 2016.
Yaddo, MacDowell, Cummington, Millay, Hambidge Center, Cottages at Hedgebrook, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. Associate at Five College Women’s Studies Research Center, Mount Holyoke, 2010-2011, Mesa Refuge 2016.