Tributes & Praise


Christian reading at the Smith College Poetry Center, 2015

Christian reading at the Smith College Poetry Center, 2015

“Christian McEwen is fantastic. She should be a full-time Williams professor. Her deep knowledge and breadth of intellectual engagement made class fascinating and delightful. Furthermore, she inspired me to go above and beyond the excellent assignments.”

“Thank you so much for a wonderful winter study. I really, really enjoyed the class, both the slowing down and reconnecting with writing. Drawing and learning a bit more about nature were nice bonuses too. I hope I can continue what I’ve begun in your class, and I just wanted to tell you how appreciative I am of everything you’ve shared with me.”

Winter Studies students at Williams College, MA


“Thank you so much for once again sharing your teachings with us, and making writing feel accessible, within reach, and non-scary. Your warmth and presence here are so deeply felt.”

– Ikusei at Zen Mountain Monastery, Mount Tremper, Upstate NY

“So many thanks and gratitude, Christian. Our classroom turned into a living book today.
The students thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated their engagement with you. One said,
“She’s so much like what she writes.” The highest compliment.”

– Gary Margolis

“I just wanted to let you know that I dropped a check in the mail today for my copy of
World Enough & Time. I really can’t tell you how much I enjoyed reading it. Not only is
it profound and moving and absorbing, but I love that it’s crafted in a way such that it
will always be there, able to be read by bits, offering moments of peace and inspiration.
Thank you again for your workshop. It was truly transformative for me.”

– Johnny Williams

“Christian, About 10 years ago I was in a writing workshop you taught for high school
and college newspaper writers at Columbia University. Soon afterwards, I got a copy of
Jo’s Girls, and have reread it about once a year since then. I can definitely say that for me
your workshop left a strong and formative impression on me, strengthened by the
presence of your book. Thank you for being an inspiring teacher, and for being the
conduit for teachings that continue to unfold in my life.”

– Aramati